My last question in terms of CSS was this one:

Website background responsive

it was about a responsive background and i got this one fixed after a long research. I tryed to use some of what i learned and got it nearly working as good as i wanted but(!) i messed something up.

<style type="text/css">
.logo {
    display: block; 
    text-align: center;
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;
    width: auto\9; /* ie8 */

<img src="https://www.google.com.tw/images/srpr/logo11w.png"  class="logo"/>

just to keep it simple i put both together. As you may not see in a fiddle or something like this. It is working somehow fine in lower resolutions but if i screenshot it on my 1920x1080 screen and just check the left to the logo and right to the logo difference in photoshop i can clearly see that the difference from the right border to the logo is larger than from the opposite site.

I realy appreciate some ideas!

  • your logo container should have text-align:center and your container logo should have a max-width , in different devices.So your logo will not look stretched Oct 10, 2014 at 3:56
  • On screenfly it doesnt look stretched on any device. Since max-width:100% just allow the logo to be as width as it was designed it should work. Also a "text-align: center;" is here. Not sure if i did understand something wrong. Oct 10, 2014 at 4:05

1 Answer 1


A combination of max-width: x% and max-height: x% keeps the image in the correct proportions when resizing (Keep the percentage size the same for both).

Making the image display: table allows the flexible width image to be centered with margin: 0 auto

In this example, the image is 400px x 400px with a max-width / max-height set at 40%. This is just to make the re-size obvious for the demo. Open it full screen and re-size the window to see the shrink.

CSS / HTML / Demo

.logo {
  display: table;
  margin: 40px auto 0;
  max-width: 40%;
  max-height: 40%;
<img class="logo" src="http://www.placehold.it/400">

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