I am doing some operation in URL as below.

 $productCount=intval($htmlProductPage->find('div.paging span.itemcount',0)->plaintext);

        $paginationPages[]= implode('.',$urlSplitArray)."<br>";


and I am getting all the links in foreach to proceed further

foreach($paginationPages as $nextUrl){
  foreach($htmlProductPage->find("div.Item") as $element){ //error occurs here
    echo $element->outertext;

The variable $nextUrl has the value


I cant find the element div.Item when I pass the link dynamically. But when I directly assign the url inside the for loop I could able to find the same element. Why this is happening?

  • Where is the error occurring -- is your code successfully getting the page using file_get_html? Oct 10, 2014 at 8:40
  • @ialarmedalien please check my updated question. I have mentioned where the error occurs
    – dharanbro
    Oct 10, 2014 at 8:43
  • The link is commentted inside the for each loop
    – dharanbro
    Oct 10, 2014 at 8:46
  • An example URL for this bit of code: $urlSplitArray=explode('.',$productUrl); - what is $productUrl? Oct 10, 2014 at 8:54
  • 100percent.co.nz/kitchen-and-cooking/ovens/freestanding.htm since it has pagination i need to add '[2]' before the extension
    – dharanbro
    Oct 10, 2014 at 8:57

1 Answer 1


The problem is occurring due to this statement:

$paginationPages[]= implode('.',$urlSplitArray)."<br>";

print_r of $paginationPages:

    [0] => http://www.100percent.co.nz/kitchen-and-cooking/ovens/freestanding[2].htm<br>

You are tagging a <br> element on to the end of the page name, which then means that the page cannot be retrieved with this code:

foreach($paginationPages as $nextUrl){

I suggest adding a check that file_get_html has successfully retrieved a page before parsing the page to scrape the contents.

  • No probs. Sometimes it takes another person to track down a typo like this! Oct 10, 2014 at 9:02

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