I replaced following code

(*dataset_p)[*term_count_p - 9] = ERL_DRV_ATOM;
(*dataset_p)[*term_count_p - 8] = drv->atom_error;
(*dataset_p)[*term_count_p - 7] = ERL_DRV_INT;
(*dataset_p)[*term_count_p - 6] = error_code;
(*dataset_p)[*term_count_p - 5] = ERL_DRV_STRING;
(*dataset_p)[*term_count_p - 4] = (ErlDrvTermData) error;
(*dataset_p)[*term_count_p - 3] = strlen(error);
(*dataset_p)[*term_count_p - 2] = ERL_DRV_TUPLE;
(*dataset_p)[*term_count_p - 1] = 3;

(where dataset_p has type ErlDrvTermData** and term_count_p is an int*) with

append_to_dataset(9, *dataset_p, *term_count_p,
  ERL_DRV_ATOM, drv->atom_error,
  ERL_DRV_INT, error_code,
  ERL_DRV_STRING, (ErlDrvTermData) error, strlen(error),

where append_to_dataset is defined as

void append_to_dataset(int n, ErlDrvTermData* dataset, int term_count, ...) {
  int i;
  va_list new_terms;
  va_start(new_terms, term_count);

  for (i = -n; i < 0; i++) {
    dataset[term_count + i] = va_arg(new_terms, ErlDrvTermData);

(diff to see that's the entire difference). It looks to me like behavior should be exactly identical, but while tests pass on the original code, the new version fails with an error message:

HUGE size (47278999994405)
make: *** [test] Aborted

What am I getting wrong?

  • You are possibly using negative indices if *term_count is less than 9. Or it could be that your for-loop is trying to index a pointer which is not an array, i.e. trying to index an individual value like "ERL_DRV_ATOM"
    – smac89
    Oct 10, 2014 at 15:49
  • What is ErlDrvTermData? If it's wider than int, the 3 must be cast when passed to append_to_dataset.
    – mafso
    Oct 10, 2014 at 15:55
  • Good point, @mafso, but it applies equally to both codes, so it doesn't explain why they behave differently. Oct 10, 2014 at 16:03
  • @JohnBollinger: In the first code, there's an explicit conversion, in the second code, we have default argument promotions due to the vararg function. For example, with typedef long ErlDrvTermData a 3 (of type int) is passed to append_to_dataset and fetched as a long. The same may apply to all the arguments after the first two, actually.
    – mafso
    Oct 10, 2014 at 16:08
  • 1
    @mafso, my bad. In that case, I observe that the varargs function is called with one argument of type size_t and another of type int. If the sizes of those types are not the same then it cannot be that they both match the size of ErlDrvTermData. Oct 10, 2014 at 16:16

1 Answer 1


Depending on the types of the expressions on the right hand side of the assignments in the first code snippet, the two code snippets may not be equivalent.

Variable arguments undergo default argument promotions but no other conversion (as opposed to calling a prototyped function, where arguments are converted if necessary if they’re assignment-compatible). For the second code to work they must be of type ErlDrvTermData which in turn must the same as its default-promoted type to fetch the corresponding arguments correctly via va_arg.

In particular, every argument but the first two (which aren’t variable arguments) need an explicit cast to be converted correctly:

append_to_dataset(9, *dataset_p, *term_count_p,
  (ErlDrvTermData)ERL_DRV_ATOM, (ErlDrvTermData)drv->atom_error,
  (ErlDrvTermData)ERL_DRV_INT, (ErlDrvTermData)error_code,
  (ErlDrvTermData) error, (ErlDrvTermData)strlen(error),
  (ErlDrvTermData)ERL_DRV_TUPLE, 3);

assuming the conversions are value-preserving. If ErlDrvTermData is, for example, typedefed to a short, it must be fetched as an int:

dataset[term_count + i] = va_arg(new_terms, int);

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