I have a bunch of data in a csv file which I need to store into Cassandra through spark. I'm using the spark to cassandra connector for this. Normally to store into Cassandra , I create a Pojo and then serialize it to RDD and then store :

Employee emp = new Employee(1 , 'Mr', 'X');
JavaRDD<Employee>  empRdd = SparkContext.parallelize(emp);

Finally I write this to cassandra as :

CassandraJavaUtil.javaFunctions(empRdd, Emp.class).saveToCassandra("dev", "emp");

This is fine , but my data is stored in a csv file. Every line represents a tuple in cassandra database.

I know I can read each line , split the columns , create object using the column values , add it to a list and then finally serialize the entire list. I was wondering if there is an easier more direct way to do this ?

1 Answer 1


Well you could just use the SSTableLoader for BulkLoading and avoid spark altogether. If you rely on spark then I think you're out of luck... Although I am not sure how much easier than reading line by line and splitting the lines is even possible...

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