While trying to access a file whose name contain utf-8 chars from browser I get the error

The requested URL /images/0/04/×¤×ª×¨×•× ×•×ª_תרגילי×_על_משטחי×_דיפ'_2014.pdf was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.`

In order to access the files I wrote the following python script:

# encoding: utf8
__author__ = 'Danis'
__date__ = '20/10/14'

import urllib

curr_link = u'http://math-wiki.com/images/0/04/2014_\'דיפ_משטחים_על_פתרונות.nn uft8pdf'

urllib.urlretrieve(link, 'home/danisf/targil4.pdf')

but when I run the code I get the error URLError:<curr_link appears here> contains non-ASCII characters

How can I fix the code to get him work? (by the way I don't have access to the server or to the webmaster) maybe the browser failed not because the bad encoding of the name for the file?

  • So, 404 is your expected result?
    – falsetru
    Oct 20, 2014 at 13:10
  • No. I want to get the file. receiving files with names like ex20-2014.pdf works fine through the browser. I want to get the file since I think something is corrupted with the GET in this html page. Oct 20, 2014 at 13:13
  • What the original url that you can download?
    – falsetru
    Oct 20, 2014 at 13:15
  • 'math-wiki.com/images/0/04/…' Oct 20, 2014 at 13:16
  • That does give me 404. (with / without trailing quote). Without knowing the exact url, how can you download it?
    – falsetru
    Oct 20, 2014 at 13:17

1 Answer 1


You cannot just pass Unicode URLs into urllib functions; URLs must be valid bytestrings instead. You'll need to encode to UTF-8, then url quote the path of your URL:

import urllib
import urlparse

curr_link = u'http://math-wiki.com/images/0/04/2014_\'דיפ_משטחים_על_פתרונות.nn uft8pdf'
parsed_link = urlparse.urlsplit(curr_link.encode('utf8'))
parsed_link = parsed_link._replace(path=urllib.quote(parsed_link.path))
encoded_link = parsed_link.geturl()

urllib.urlretrieve(encoded_link, 'home/danisf/targil4.pdf')

The specific URL you provided in your question produces a 404 error however.


>>> import urllib
>>> import urlparse
>>> curr_link = u'http://math-wiki.com/images/0/04/2014_\'דיפ_משטחים_על_פתרונות.nn uft8pdf'
>>> parsed_link = urlparse.urlsplit(curr_link.encode('utf8'))
>>> parsed_link = parsed_link._replace(path=urllib.quote(parsed_link.path))
>>> print parsed_link.geturl()

Your browser usually decodes UTF-8 bytes encoded like this, to present a readable URL, but when sending the URL to the server to retrieve, it is encoded in the exact same manner.

  • where the file will be saved? Oct 20, 2014 at 13:25
  • if the url redirects to 404, it means that the file doesn't exist? Oct 20, 2014 at 13:28
  • @DanisFischer: it means the file doesn't exist. What page was this linked from?
    – Martijn Pieters
    Oct 20, 2014 at 13:30

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