How to implement this kind of functionality:

  • Fill entity eg. Member with data
  • Bind Member to form with $form->bind($member) to private property _formData
  • Afterward do some stuff inside $form, eg. $form->validate() with _formData
  • $member should be also changed as _formData is changed.

    class Form {
        private $_formData;
        function bind1(&$row) {
            // this change member outside
            $row['full_name'] =
                . ' ' .
        function bind2(&$row) {
            $this->_formData = $row;
            // this will not change memeber
            $this->_formData['full_name'] =
                . ' '
                . $this->_formData['last_name'];
    $member = array('full_name' => null, 'first_name'=>'Fn', 'last_name' => 'Ln');
    $form = new Form();
    // output: 'FnLn'
    // output: null

Method validate work with private _fieldData, so this to work bind2 test should work.

2 Answers 2


What you are trying to do is possible, but you need to set a reference of the reference in the bind1 and bind2 method, like this:

$this->_formData = & $row;

You are also making misspellings between full_name and fullName as array keys. For example in the bind2 method:

$this->_formData['full_name'] =  $this->_formData['first_name'] . ' ' . $this->_formData['last_name'];

And in your test-code you var_dump full_name. Chaging full_name in bind2 to fullName should fix your issue.

  • yep! $this->_formData = &$row; solved. Assigning private _formData with pass by reference also **&**$row is solution that worked. Wanted to self-answer but this way is nicer :) Other part is not important (misspelling) - just test code. Oct 24, 2014 at 16:42

the problem is you are assigning the full_name key of your member variable and trying to access fullName variable so it is returning NULL

  • Sorry about that. This part was just misspelled in question code. You are right about null, thanx. Oct 24, 2014 at 16:52

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