I'm currently running a Django app on Apache. This app is a webservice which occasionally send POST requests (with Python "Requests" lib) to an external server.

I recently changed the Apache server, from the custom install I made in usr/local/apache2 to the already installed version (which uses /etc/httpd, /var/www/...).

Since that, those POST requests always end up throwing a :

ConnectionError at /xxx/
('Connection aborted.', error(97, 'Address family not supported by protocol'))

If I import the function which send the request in ./manage.py shell and run it, it works perfectly fine.

I don't think it's Python-related since it was running well before I switched Apache server.

I absolutely don't know where it could come from though, and none of my research have gave me answers. So I wait for yours !

Config :

OS : RedHatEL 6.4 x64
Server : Apache 2.2.15
Python : 2.7.8
Django : 1.6.6


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