I have a folder set up like the following:

  • project/latest_kml/file.kml
  • project/.hgignore
  • project/.hg/...

My .hgignore file looks like this:

syntax: glob

After a bit of googling I found out that I should have used "**.kml' What I am not understanding is why *.kml is ignoring the .kml files. If I add a new .kml file to the latest_kml folder it doesn't get added when I run addremove, or appear in hg status.

If I remove the *.kml line then hg status shows the new .kml file.

The confusing part: If I remove the '*.kml' line from .hgignore and run hg status 'glob:**.kml' it shows the new kml file that was added to project/latest_kml/. If I instead use hg status 'glob:*.kml', it shows nothing.

What is the cause of this behaviour?

1 Answer 1


hg help patterns states clearly

Globs are rooted at the current directory; a glob such as "*.c" will only match files in the current directory ending with ".c".

The supported glob syntax extensions are "**" to match any string across path separators


 glob:*.c       any name ending in ".c" in the current directory
 *.c            any name ending in ".c" in the current directory
 **.c           any name ending in ".c" in any subdirectory of the
                current directory including itself.
  • Exactly. So that doesn't explain why somehow *.kml in the hgignore file is ignoring .kml files in a sub-directory. It shouldn't be behaving like that.
    – Smills
    Oct 30, 2014 at 5:20
  • 1
    @Smills - just because patterns in (only !!!) .hgignore are not rooted, contrary to all other patterns (used by you in command-line) Oct 30, 2014 at 17:50
  • Ah, I understand. Thanks, I hadn't seen mention of the .hgignore not being rooted.
    – Smills
    Oct 31, 2014 at 2:19

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