When creating an OpenGL-es application in swift, you have to convert all the parameters to their gl equivalenets. For example...

func createCamera(screenWidth:Int, screenHeight:Int){
    glViewport(GLint(0), GLint(0), GLsizei(screenWidth), GLsizei(screenHeight));


As you can see I have to convert every glViewPort() parameter to the data type that OpenGL likes, such as Glint. Is there a more efficient way of doing this? I feel like with swift all I've been doing is wrapping everything.

1 Answer 1


This is the way it is. (For now, at least? As always, file a bug if you'd like to see Apple change things.) Neither Swift nor OpenGL are really designed around being friendly to each other — OpenGL is a C API, and Swift's API bridging seems to be more centered around ObjC APIs and their conventions.

You could probably make a few type extensions and function overloads to make working with GL from Swift a bit smoother. For example, if you implement extension GLint : IntegerLiteralConvertible sensibly, you'll be able to pass integer literals to GL APIs without wrapping each in a GLint() conversion. Making GL functions take Swift types would be a taller order, but only due to the sheer number of them, not their complexity. For example:

func glViewport(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) {
    GL.glViewport(GLint(x), GLint(y), GLsizei(width), GLsizei(height)

I wouldn't be surprised if someone were already doing something like this and publishing a library, but I haven't heard of any such efforts yet.

  • Ok thanks. I guess in the grand scheme of things it isn't so bad.
    – NJGUY
    Oct 29, 2014 at 18:50

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