I'm using MySql database for Passing input to optaplanner, im creating file similar to nurserostering in optaplanner. How many tables do i need to create if i need to pass the similar data in long01.xml

Am struck on this please do give me some ideas, its my school project.

Also why is this pattern used for

<Pattern ID="0" weight="1">
        <PatternEntry index="0">
        <PatternEntry index="1">

1 Answer 1


The nurse rostering example has 2 XML formats:

  • import dir XML: defined by the research challenge. Converted to domain objects by the mapping code in the NurseRosteringImporter
  • unsolved dir XML: XStream serialized of the domain objects. So no explicit mapping code needed (beyond the @XStreamAlias annotations on the domain classes).

I believe you mention the import dir XML, but the system of the unsolved XML is far more interesting because it has minimal mapping code. NurseRosteringDAO reads/writes from unsolved XML. Following the same design, you can also read/write to a database, by using Hibernate-JPA instead of XStream:

integration overview

Go to hibernate.org to learn Hibernate with JPA annotations. Basically, you'll add some JPA annotations (such as @Entity and @ManyToOne) on your domain objects and use an EntityManager(Factory) to read/write those from the database.


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