I have an XPath /html/body/div[1]/div/div/center[1]/table and I would like to make it so it is no longer visible.

I saw I could use document.evaluate() but I am not sure how to hide it.

1 Answer 1


If you insist on using XPath, for a single node, use FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE like so:

var targEval = document.evaluate (
if (targEval  &&  targEval.singleNodeValue) {
    var targNode  = targEval.singleNodeValue;

    // Payload code starts here.
    targNode.style.display = "none";

But, XPath selectors are very brittle in userscripts. You're better off using a CSS selector in most cases.
Since the HTML wasn't provided, here is the CSS-selector method shown with a translation of that XPath into a CSS selector:

var targNode = document.querySelector ("body > div:nth-of-type(1) > div > div > center:nth-of-type(1) > table");
if (targNode) {
    targNode.style.display = "none";

Of course, it's even simpler with jQuery:

$("body > div:first > div > div > center:first > table").hide ();

or possibly:

$("body > div:first > div > div > center:first > table").first ().hide ();

If the node is added via AJAX, use a technique such as in this answer.

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