I have been trying to figure out parsing a hashtree from rails backend as JSON in javascript. Have tried several solutions on stackoverflow and others including:

The object I am trying to parse:

               "tooltip"=>"      <h3 id=\"status_tooltip_heading\">Service status<\/h3>\n      \n      <table id=\"status_tooltip_grid\">      \n        <tbody>\n          <tr>\n            <td>Status:<\/td>\n            <td>Unknown (an eternity ago)<\/td>          \n          <\/tr>\n          <tr>\n            <td>HTTP code:<\/td>\n            <td>\"N/A\"<\/td>          \n          <\/tr>                \n          <tr>\n            <td>Response time:<\/td>\n            <td>\"N/A\"<\/td>          \n          <\/tr>\n            <td>Event message:<\/td>\n            <td>Not pinged since eternity<\/td>          \n          <\/tr>\n        <\/tbody>\n      <\/table>\n"
               "tooltip"=>"      <h3 id=\"status_tooltip_heading\">Service status<\/h3>\n      \n      <table id=\"status_tooltip_grid\">      \n        <tbody>\n          <tr>\n            <td>Status:<\/td>\n            <td>Unknown (an eternity ago)<\/td>          \n          <\/tr>\n          <tr>\n            <td>HTTP code:<\/td>\n            <td>\"N/A\"<\/td>          \n          <\/tr>                \n          <tr>\n            <td>Response time:<\/td>\n            <td>\"N/A\"<\/td>          \n          <\/tr>\n            <td>Event message:<\/td>\n            <td>Not pinged since eternity<\/td>          \n          <\/tr>\n        <\/tbody>\n      <\/table>\n"

Here is how I am currently trying to parse it as JSON in javascript, having tried the techniques in the above links.

<script>jsonObj = JSON.parse('<%==(raw @map.to_s).gsub("=>",":").gsub("</","<\\/") %>')</script>

Have been stuck on this for hours now. I would really appreciate any insight you could give me on this. Also, the rails version is 4.1.2

1 Answer 1


It is enough to use:

<script>jsonObj = <%=raw ( @map.to_json) %></script>
  • undefined method `gsub' for #<Hash:0x007f7d2000d558> Tried j(@map.to_s) which is returning a string like: {\&quot;name\&quot;=&gt;\&quot;map\&quot;, \&quot;children\&quot;=&gt;[{\&quot;name\&quot;...
    – mohitt
    Nov 13, 2014 at 10:19
  • json_escape(@map) gives me a string like {&quot;name&quot;=\u003e&quot;map&quot;, &quot;children&quot;=\u003e[{&quot;
    – mohitt
    Nov 13, 2014 at 10:27
  • Well, I didn't tested previous answer, but now it is fine. There's no need to use JSON.parse.
    – blelump
    Nov 13, 2014 at 10:53
  • yeah I ended up doing the same and have been able to pin-point where exactly the problem is. I am updating it in my question.
    – mohitt
    Nov 13, 2014 at 11:11
  • Thanks a ton @blelump! this method worked perfectly once I changed the quotes in my HTML content to single quotes and removed newlines! I think you should add it to your answer for future reference.
    – mohitt
    Nov 13, 2014 at 11:34

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