Can XCode check for the code compatibility against a specific OS X version? or an external tool?

I have a project that's using a function exists at 10.9 and newer, though I set xcode deployment target to 10.7, it builds without errors but when trying to run the application on 10.8, it doesn't work!!

how can I get functions minimum OS version required?

1 Answer 1


Xcode does not provide a tool to check whether a method is available for the deployment target. But if you know that some method is only available from a specific version you can check whether the method is available:

if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(newMethodNotAlwaysAvailable:withParameters:)]) {
    [self newMethodNotAlwaysAvailable:@"1" withParameters:YES];
else {
    // Call some other method to just don't do anything.

You can also do ut for classes:

if ([SomeNewClass Class] ) {
    // Class is available and you can use it
  • yes, it's a good way to check at runtime, but I want to check at build time. why xcode build a code that can't run on 10.7 though the build target is 10.7? I need something like a tool that will iterate over all the project's functions and tell me that the minimum required version is X
    – AMTourky
    Nov 13, 2014 at 11:09
  • 2
    Request for tool, libraries are offtopic for Stackoverflow, but there is such a tool: Deploymate for Xcode
    – rckoenes
    Nov 13, 2014 at 11:10
  • that's exactly what I was looking for, and sorry for the offtopic post, I didn't know about it
    – AMTourky
    Nov 13, 2014 at 11:13

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