I have heterogeneous list of int and string I want to store all of them in vector<string>. With this command:

    std::string temp = boost::python::extract<std::string>(xList[i][j]);

I get this error:

TypeError: No registered converter was able to produce a C++ rvalue of type std::string from this Python object of type float

1 Answer 1


You have two choices: either get the values as boost::python::object and check the types and do whatever you like, or register a converter that turns numbers into strings (using std::to_string presumably).

You can use the instructions for "Extracting C++ Types" in the docs:

extract<std::string&> extractor(xList[i][j]);
if (extractor.check()) {
    std::string& v = extractor();
  • Thanks, how can I get it as boost::python::object and check the types? Nov 14, 2014 at 1:55
  • Why the string is defined as reference? Nov 14, 2014 at 14:58

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