I am helping a friend with some beginner c#, and we have run into a weird problem.

The læn = Console.ReadLine() on line 31 is being skipped. This causes the .Parse on line 32 to throw an error.

If we put an extra læn = Console.ReadLine() in after the first one it starts working.

static void Main(string[] args)
    double areal, læn1, høj1 = 0;
    int figur;
    string tekst, læn, høj;

    tekst = ("Du skal nu vægle en figur.");
    tekst += ("\nTryk 1 for rektangel");
    tekst += ("\nTryk 2 for cirkel");
    tekst += ("\nTryk 3 for en retvinklet trekant");
    tekst += ("\nValg: ");
    Console.Write("{0}", tekst);
    figur = Console.Read();
    switch (figur)
        case '1':
                Console.WriteLine("Du har valgt en rektangel. \nHvad er længden: ");
                læn = Console.ReadLine(); //Line 31
                læn1 = double.Parse(læn); //Line 32

                Console.WriteLine("hvad er højden?");
                høj = Console.ReadLine();
                høj1 = double.Parse(høj);

                areal = læn1 * høj1;
                Console.WriteLine("\n{0} * {1} = {2}", læn, høj1, areal);


            Console.WriteLine("Du har ikke valgt 1,2 eller 3");
  • 2
    What is the value of læn exactly? Debug and tell us. Nov 17, 2014 at 12:24
  • You probably want Console.ReadKey() instead of Console.Read() Nov 17, 2014 at 12:30
  • probably because of 'figur = Console.Read()' Nov 17, 2014 at 12:30

2 Answers 2


The documentation from Console.Read states:

The Read method blocks its return while you type input characters; it terminates when you press the Enter key.

This means that it will only return a value when you press Enter, no matter how much you have written.

Since your next statement is Console.ReadLine() and there is still a line end in the stream pending to read (since you hit Enter, but only handled the key pressed), the 'eats' up that statement.

Consider using Console.ReadKey() instead.

  • Thanks this explained what was wrong very nicely. We got it to work now :) Nov 17, 2014 at 12:48

Just to add something to what Patrick said, I recommend you replace that Console.Read() with this:

ConsoleKeyInfo figur = Console.ReadKey();
switch (figur.Key)
    case ConsoleKey.D1:

Also notice that all those parenthesis when you assign tekst are not necessary, as well as the brackets inside each switch's case.

  • 1
    Maybe in this case it is more intuitive for OP to use KeyChar. Nov 17, 2014 at 12:33

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