How can one set the default value of auto_delete to False for all new created queues by Celery using AMQP? I use the default settings. So the default "celery" exchange is auto_delete = False. Adding a task like this

result = client.send_task('abc')

results in a queue with auto_delete = True.

1 Answer 1


Declaring a queue, exchange or binding is a bit like ‘Single Assignment’ in Erlang, if you declared it once with auto_delete=False then you cannot later declare it to be auto_delete=True. To change the definition you must delete it first.

Notice also that Exchange.auto_delete is deprecated as it does not work very well, and it’s not supported by librabbitmq.

Source: Celery User Group

  • The question was asking how to change the default setting for celery, not about how to change an existing exchange.
    – vageli
    Sep 28, 2021 at 13:50

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