Im curious about the current libraries for Scala & Akka which would allow me to elegantly build a workflow pipeline.

In my case a workflow is just a DAG of operations so actors/Akka feels like a good fit.

My question is what's the best approach? There are Libs like reactive streams which allow really elegant composition of a pipeline but they seem very record focused.

My use case is a flow of operations passing messages between them. Future composition is nice but syntax becomes unwieldy after a while. Maybe there is something better with scalaz and shapeless.

What are the approaches and tools to building a DSL for pipelines of computation steps using message passing?

  • 2
    Can you explain what it means to be "record focused" and why this isn't appropriate for "passing messages"? What is the difference between a "record" and a "message" in your eyes?
    – Rex Kerr
    Nov 21, 2014 at 15:11
  • Sorry. My pipeline is very much like a chain of method calls. Where parameter passing is a message. The streaming side of Akka seems very focused on taking a stream of data. I.e. Log file. My case would be a log file with 1 line. While it would work. Is it efficient?
    – NightWolf
    Nov 22, 2014 at 0:46

2 Answers 2


While still in early development (pre 1.0 as of writing), you should have a look at akka-streams, which are exactly that - a way to describe a computation graph and then run it asynchronously.

  • Thanks. The streaming side of Akka seems very focused on taking a stream of data. I.e. Log file. My case would be a log file with 1 line. While it would work. Is it efficient?
    – NightWolf
    Nov 22, 2014 at 0:47
  • Any examples of streams using a future as a source?
    – NightWolf
    Nov 22, 2014 at 0:49
  • Source(Future(42)) :-) Nov 22, 2014 at 11:06

If your pipeline is very much like a chain of method calls, use a chain of method calls!

There's no point making the solution more complicated than it needs to be; if it's well-modelled by a chain of methods calls, just use that. (Or functions, which you can compose.)

If you need something slightly more complicated but you don't actually need any message-passing, you might want something like AsyncFP or Scala.Rx.

If you need a multi-core solution, but you have stretches that look like method calls, then have a chain of method calls inside one stop. You could use Akka streams for that without having to worry so much about the overhead to useful computation ratio.

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