I would like to show some text (a player score and number of lives left) on the top left corner of my panel.

My game is is a pinball game running in openGL, and I would like to use FTGL to show the text.

My code looks like this

FTGLTextureFont font("./fonts/JambeticaRegular.ttf");

My problem is that the text follows the pinball table when I move the camera. I want it to be fixed on the upper left corner, never moving, wathever I do with the camera.

Would you have an idea?


I tried doing this, instead.

FTGLPixmapFont font("./fonts/JambeticaRegular.ttf");
font.Render("Points: ", -1, FTPoint(0, 300, 0));
font.Render("Lives: ", -1, FTPoint(0, 270, 0));

It works in some way, as my text is now fixed, but it's fixed at a distance from the bottom left corner. I would like to have it fixed to the upper left corner. Is there a way?

2 Answers 2


Before rendering text, try setting matrix again using glLoadIdentity and glOrtho. Or you could save/restore matrices by glPushMatrix/glPopMatrix.


Take the frustum height and width to calculate a relative position to use with FTPoint().

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