I have a route that is essentially a "hook" to run an Artisan command, it accepts some get parameters as arguments:

Route::get('hook', function()
  $param = Input::get('param');
  Artisan::call('myCommand', array('param' => $param));

myCommand simply creates a directory in the root called param and a hello.txt file.

I can run myCommand fine using php artisan myCommand param1 and it works as expected. I can also use Artisan's tinker command and run Artisan::call() perfectly fine too.

However when I try the command via visiting the URL (e.g. example.com/hook&param=hello), my command does not create anything as expected. If it helps as well, I'm trying this on Laravel Forge. On my local dev machine everything works fine.

Any idea what is wrong?

  • Sounds like a permission problem. HTTP server usually runs as www-data when you execute the command you are logged in as the owner of the directory. Thus, you can create the file.
    – Ryan
    Nov 22, 2014 at 5:25

2 Answers 2


You can either set permissions to the folder by

chmod 777 -R /path/to/folder

what you absolutely shouldn't do, as everybody can write and execute everything in this directory afterwards

or, what I would prefer, you create a new group, let's call it usergroup:

sudo groupadd usergroup

Now that the group exists, add the two users to it:

sudo usermod -a -G usergroup <your username>
sudo usermod -a -G usergroup www-data

Now all that's left is to set the permissions on the directory:

sudo chgrp -R usergroup /path/to/the/directory
sudo chmod -R 770 /path/to/the/directory     // <<<<<< change this to 775

Now only members of the usergroup group can read, write, or execute files and folders within the directory. Note the -R argument to the chmod and chgrp commands: this tells them to recurse into every sub directory of the target directory and modify every file and directory available.

You may also want to change 770 to something like 774 if you want others to be able to read the files, 775 if you want others to read and execute the files, etc. Group assignment changes won't take effect until the users log out and back in.

In your case, you should definately change it to 775 afterwards...


You need to set up directory permissions correctly.

sudo chown -R <YOUR_USERNAME>:www-data <THE_DIRECTORY>

  • Are there any alternatives to this? I'd like to keep code on both environments exact, I'd have to ssh into my droplet and run this every time.
    – Helen Che
    Nov 22, 2014 at 5:39
  • No you only have to run this one time for each machine you have. Get used to doing things like this.
    – Ryan
    Nov 22, 2014 at 5:40
  • I'm not too familiar with DevOps stuff... getting chmod: invalid mode: ‘forge:www-data’ error.
    – Helen Che
    Nov 22, 2014 at 5:41
  • Are you in a bash shell? Is it an actual machine or is there a proxy between you and your machine? I'm not familiar with "forge".
    – Ryan
    Nov 22, 2014 at 5:41
  • Yes I'm in a bash shell with ssh access to my server right now.
    – Helen Che
    Nov 22, 2014 at 5:45

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