I need a regular expression for a comma separated values, that accept positive/negative integer and also float numbers.

Ej: 3,45,2.5,12,-20

How do I get it? Thanks

I need to implement a function that adds values and returns the result, and it detects a pattern of incorrect entry such numbers separated by hyphens

Ej: 3,45,2.5,12,-20 (Correct)

Ej: 3-45-2.5-12-20 (Incorrect)

but I do not get it, the code I have:

<script type="text/javascript">
function validar()
var patron = /^(-?\d*\.?\d*,?)+$/;                         
var numeros = document.getElementById("numeros").value;

if (!patron.test(numeros)) 
    alert("Introduzca los números que desee sumar separados por comas, Ej: 3,3.25,-1");                      

function suma()
var entrada = document.getElementById("numeros").value;
var numeros = entrada.split(",");
var suma = 0;

for(var i = 0; i < numeros.length; i++)
        suma += parseFloat(numeros[i]);
document.getElementById("resultado").value = suma;
Números: <input type="text" id="numeros" size="30">
Resultado: <input type="text" id="resultado" size="20">
<input type="button" value="SUMAR" onClick="validar()">

1 Answer 1


Basicly a duplicate of this and this.

    function(x) { return /^-?\d*\.?\d*$/.test(x); }

Or as single regex


After a bit of refactoring you will get

 <title>JS Números</title>

Números: <input type="text" id="numeros" size="30">
Resultado: <input type="text" id="resultado" size="20">
<input type="button" value="SUMAR" onClick="suma()">

<script type="text/javascript">
var numberElement = document.getElementById("numeros");
var resultElement = document.getElementById("resultado");
var numberPattern = /^(-?\d*\.?\d*)(,-?\d*\.?\d*)*$/;

function suma() {
    var numberString = numberElement.value;
    if (numberPattern.test(numberString)) {
        var sum = numberString.split(",").reduce(function(m,v) { return m + parseFloat(v); }, 0);
        resultElement.value = sum;
    } else {
        alert("Introduzca los números que desee sumar separados por comas, Ej: 3,3.25,-1");
        resultElement.value = "";

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