I basically have a table which happens to get these sort of rows:


So as I've added some visual classes like .primary or .info to each row and even got .table-hover table looks kinda strange.

enter image description here

In example above, last row got two columns and first one got only one. What should I do so the smaller table rows expand along the whole table width?

This is the html rendering (Jade) used to produce the same table in example:

table.table.table-bordered.table-hover(style='max-width: none;')
            th(colspan='4') Token re2
            th(colspan='4') Lexema
        tr(ng-repeat='(tokenRe2,lex) in re2Captures' ng-init='re2s = lex').info
            td(colspan='4') {{tokenRe2}}
            td(ng-repeat= 'i in lex track by $index' style='border:none;' colspan='4')
                li {{i}}

As it can be seen, I tried with colspan but got not results...

  • Can you clean up that code a bit? Maybe make a Bootply or JSFiddle example, cause what you posted now is hard to work with. An issue: You don't need colspan on EVERY item, only the ones that don't have enough columns in a row.
    – Tim Lewis
    Dec 1, 2014 at 16:01

1 Answer 1


You're looking for the colspan attribute on the <td> tags.

<td colspan="2">H</td>

That will make the <td> two columns long. This can be applied to <th> tags as well, so use accordingly.

Hope that helps!

See this Bootply example

How colspan works:

|    |    |    |
|    |    |    |    |

This is a table with the structure:


To make the table even, we'd add an extra colspan on the last <th> of the first row:

  <th colspan="2"></th>

So the table would look like this:

|    |    |         |
|    |    |    |    |

TL:DR colspan fills in space depending the other rows in the table. Use accordingly.

  • I tried it but got not results, thanks so far. Check my edits. Dec 1, 2014 at 15:59

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