I'm seeking a single meta-function (such as std::less_equal) that can be used or combined in order to express a dominance relationship, defined as follows.

Sequence A dominates another sequence B (both of having equal length) if:

  1. Each element of A is not less than the corresponding element B
  2. At least one element of A is greater than the corresponding element of B

So far the best that I have been able to come up with consists of two separate tests one after the other as follows.

template<typename T>
bool dominates( T& sequence1 , T& sequence2 )
    if( std::equal( sequence1.begin() , sequence1.end() , sequence2.begin() ) ) return false;
    return std::equal( sequence1.begin() , sequence1.end() , sequence2.begin() , std::less_equal<double>() );

Is it possible do the same using a single metafunction?

  • 2
    This isn't a metafunction.
    – T.C.
    Dec 1, 2014 at 22:59
  • I know. std::less_equal is though.
    – Olumide
    Dec 1, 2014 at 23:16
  • So if I understand this correctly, you want a more optimal version of the code you present? Just simply unroll the loop STL would generate for you and merge the two operations.
    – BlamKiwi
    Dec 1, 2014 at 23:53

1 Answer 1


The problem with one-pass code is that you have to keep the state - you have to remember whether you encountered the dominating element or not.

Writing a simple for loop would give you an advantage of short-circuiting when you know that the result is false. But if you want a one-liner, here you go:

template<typename T>
bool dominates2(const T& sequence1, const T& sequence2) {
    return std::inner_product(std::begin(sequence1), std::end(sequence1),
        std::begin(sequence2), 0,
        // this accumulates the result
        [](int prevCmp, int curCmp){ return prevCmp > 0 ? prevCmp : (curCmp > 0 ? curCmp : prevCmp + curCmp); },
        // this compares corresponding elements of ranges
        [](const auto& a1, const auto& a2){ return (a1 > a2) - (a2 > a1); }) < 0;

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