At first, take a look in my code. I have some different codes, changing only the UIGesture, like tap, pan, long... and all gestures. Just for test Heres one:

public class ....{    
       public override void ViewDidLoad ()
           Image1.UserInteractionEnabled = true;
           UIGestureRecognizer tapGesture = new UIGestureRecognizer (TapThat);
           dot1.AddGestureRecognizer (tapGesture);

       public void TapThat(){
       //Do some action...


public class ....{    

       public override void ViewDidLoad ()
           Image1.UserInteractionEnabled = true;

           UITapGestureRecognizer panGesture = new UITapGestureRecognizer ((pg) => {
           //Do some action...

           dot1.AddGestureRecognizer (panGesture);


This is two examples, but is missing some thing. I use the .State variable to get UIGestureState. When I tap the image and keep the finger without moving, nothing happens. But if I tap and drag it's change.

Just when I drag , the state come on log: State - Began.

If I keep moving: State - changed.

When I release: State - Ended.

What I need is in the exactly moment I tap the image, it's change to another image. Without drag, like a button.

It's clear?

This for IOS;

  • Use Began action if you want immediate feedback.
    – pronebird
    Dec 4, 2014 at 11:29
  • But the state began come after I tap the image and move the finger. It wasn't work.
    – Teask Nick
    Dec 4, 2014 at 11:46


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