Assuming I have the following document structure in my mongodb:

  _id: "tMSfNq9JR85XDaQe5"
  customerid: "QDGvBQhS6vYgZtnRr"
  employeeid: "QDGvBQhS6vYgZtnRr" 
  date: Sun Dec 07 2014 19:50:21 GMT+0800 (HKT) 
  projectid: "S83NEGHnrefvfASrf" 
  hours: 2

Is it possible to get total hours spent on a specific project and customer, grouped by employee and date, while querying data within specific date range, so that the output will be for example like:

{ "projectid":"XXX", "date":"Dec 1, 2014", "employeeid":"AAA", "totalHrs":"20" }
{ "projectid":"XXX", "date":"Dec 1, 2014", "employeeid":"BBB", "totalHrs":"11" }
{ "projectid":"XXX", "date":"Dec 2, 2014", "employeeid":"AAA", "totalHrs":"3" }
{ "projectid":"XXX", "date":"Dec 2, 2014", "employeeid":"BBB", "totalHrs":"5" }
{ "projectid":"XXX", "date":"Dec 2, 2014", "employeeid":"CCC", "totalHrs":"18" }


  • can you post your sample data?
    – Neo-coder
    Dec 9, 2014 at 11:16
  • @yogesh that's what inside the document structure posted above, this is a real copy of one of my documents data
    – MChan
    Dec 9, 2014 at 11:25
  • That does not look like an ISODate() so querying them will be complicated. Any chance you can change the type?
    – Martin
    Dec 9, 2014 at 11:27
  • @Martin yes I can change to ISODate. Thanks
    – MChan
    Dec 9, 2014 at 11:37
  • For this type of query it could be worth to have a look at the aggregation framework provided by MongoDB. Dec 9, 2014 at 11:40

2 Answers 2


Hi as per my understand I think you want to groups on projectid and employeeid as looking to your desired output so I think below aggregation may work in this case

  • You could further improve your answer, by formatting the date properly as in the expected output.
    – BatScream
    Dec 9, 2014 at 22:08
  • You may also want to use date operators in the group to collect results by day. Grouping just by date will separate documents from the same day with different times.
    – wdberkeley
    Dec 10, 2014 at 15:39

You need to group by projectid,date,employeeid


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