I am using Ubuntu Server 14.04 I have some issue in my script ...script give me response very well if i use die instead of sleep after echo in else condition but when i use sleep(3600) after echo in else condition it is not giving me any response ...this is my code


$st_time = '12:00';

$et_time = '18:00';

$cur_time = date("H:i");

while (1) {

    if (($cur_time < $et_time) && ($cur_time > $st_time)) {
        //Enter and perform Some function
    } else {
        echo 'sleep for one hour Bye';      
  • 1
    What are you expecting to happen? sleep(3600) means to wait for 60 minutes; that means it'll be an hour before you get a response. However, PHP is often configured to abort scripts that take more than a short time (30 seconds or so), so you might just get an error when that happens.
    – Wyzard
    Dec 11, 2014 at 5:50
  • you can check this post, maybe helpful stackoverflow.com/questions/740954/… and stackoverflow.com/questions/8518203/…
    – tzafar
    Dec 11, 2014 at 5:52

1 Answer 1


Try this code, sleep code in micro seceonds:

$st_time = '12:00';
$et_time = '18:00';
$cur_time = date("H:i");
while (true) {
if (($cur_time < $et_time) && ($cur_time > $st_time)) {
//Enter and perform Some function
} else {
echo 'sleep for one hour Bye';        
  • usleep here being 3600, means 0.0036 seconds. this script going to increase cpu load a lot. you need to use sleep() instead. or use usleep(3600000000) Aug 7, 2020 at 3:01

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