Is it possible to unregister all implementations of an interface in Autofac?

My scenario:

I register two modules, one DefaultModule and later a SpecificModule if some conditions are fulfilled.

builder.RegisterModule(new DefaultModule());

if (someCondition)
   builder.RegisterModule(new SpecificModule());

The two modules register multiple named instances of an interface, let's call it ISomething.

Inside the Load function in DefaultModule:


Inside the Load function in SpecificModule:


When I register the SpecificModule I want to unregister all previous registrations of ISomething since they are injected as a collection into another constructor.

public SomeClass(IEnumerable<ISomething> somethingCollection)
   _somethingCollection = somethingCollection;

Is this possible? Or is it better to do it in another way?

1 Answer 1


It should atleast be possible to create a new container with the unwanted components filtered out, see Is it possible to remove an existing registration from Autofac container builder?

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