I run this command line:

awk -F "\\t" "NR>=%startcounter%&&NR<=%endcounter% { print """UPDATE tArtikel SET fVKNetto =""" $6 """ WHERE cArtNr = """ $1 """ """;}" fil_a.txt file_b.txt

The result is:

UPDATE tArtikel SET fVKNetto =27,67 WHERE cArtNr = 60160 

Is there a easy way in awk to replace the comma, with a dot?
It should be:

UPDATE tArtikel SET fVKNetto =27.67 WHERE cArtNr = 60160 

I found some solutions, but I would like to make it as short as possible. It would be perfect if the command has not to be completely changed.

Thank you for your help!

Note: I use Winawk

  • yes, there is, but you need provide the sample content in file_a and file_b
    – BMW
    Dec 16, 2014 at 1:55
  • 1
    Add sub(/,/,".",$6); (with appropriate cmd.exe quoting) before the print statement. Dec 16, 2014 at 1:57

1 Answer 1


This replaces all , with .

awk -F "\\t" "{gsub(/,/,".")} NR>=%startcounter%&&NR<=%endcounter% { print """UPDATE tArtikel SET fVKNetto =""" $6 """ WHERE cArtNr = """ $1 """ """;}" fil_a.txt file_b.txt

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