I'm new to this and I have read documentation and in my opinion it doesn't quite show how this can be done from a beginner's perspective.The examples shown only show examples from a single or two tables at most. Any help would be most appreciated.

SELECT EMPP.empid, EMPP.firstName, EMPP.middleName, EMPP.lastName, EMPJ.jobTitle, 
       EMPJ.status, EMPJ.department, EMPR.manager 
FROM   Emp_PersonalDetails EMPP 
JOIN   Emp_JobDetails EMPJ 
JOIN   Emp_Reporting EMPR 
WHERE  EMPP.firstName LIKE :name 
OR     EMPP.empid LIKE:id

1 Answer 1


Assuming you have an Emp_PersonalDetails class with an association named 'reporting' that references an instance of Emp_Reporting class, then something like the following should work. Note that I've used nameVar and empIdVar for your like conditions. Also note that this will return an instance of Emp_PersonalDetails, but will fetch the Emp_Reporting at the same time. You'll have to access the Emp_Reporting through the instance of Emp_PersonalDetails returned.

session.createCriteria( Emp_PersonalDetails.class )
       .setFetchMode( "reporting", FetchMode.JOIN )
       .setFetchMode( "details", FetchMode.JOIN )
       .add( Restrictions.like( "firstName", nameVar ))
       .add( Restrictions.like( "empid", empIdVar ))

Your Hibernate mapping could look something like:

<class name="example.Emp_PersonalDetails" table="...">
  <id name="empid" column="empid" ...>
  <property name="firstName" ...>
  <one-to-one name="reporting" class="example.Emp_Reporting" lazy="proxy"...>
  <one-to-one name="details"  class="example.Emp_JobDetails" lazy="proxy" ...>

<class name="example.Emp_Reporting" ...>
  <id name="id" ...>
    <column="rdid" />
    <generator class="foreign">
      <param name="property">emp</param>
  <one-to-one name="emp" class="example.Emp_PersonalDetails" constrained="true" />
  <property name="manager" ...>

<class name="example.Emp_JobDetails"...>
  <id name="id" ...>
    <column="rdid" />
    <generator class="foreign">
      <param name="property">emp</param>
  <one-to-one name="emp" class="example.Emp_PersonalDetails" constrained="true" />
  <property name="jobTitle" ...>
  • There are three tables that I need to access in this query. The third one is "Emp_JobDetails". I tried this and I got the following exception: Caused by: org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: empid of: org.charles.periodic.metals.beans.Emp_PersonalDetails Dec 23, 2014 at 16:35
  • I didn't see your last edit. Just add another setFetchMode(), which will tell Hibernate to fetch the JobDetails when it retrieves the results. This assumes the JobDetails is available through a 'details' relationship.
    – wbdarby
    Dec 23, 2014 at 16:38
  • Ok Thanks. The tables are joined by primary key in one-to-one relationships. The database is an HR database and stores employees details across 8 tables each table with 8 to 12 columns. Each table has only one record in the next table. I've managed to set Hibernate to automatically create the table for and join them via primary key. So should I replace the "reporting" association you mentioned with the ID of the next table and so on.....? Thanks Dec 23, 2014 at 16:50
  • What is the Hibernate mapping? I'll edit the response with a possible mapping for primary keys.
    – wbdarby
    Dec 23, 2014 at 16:53
  • code @OneToOne(mappedBy = "details", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) private Emp_ContactDetails contactDetails; @OneToOne(mappedBy = "details", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) private Emp_EmergencyContacts emgContactDetails; code Dec 23, 2014 at 16:57

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