I have to create a program which adds records to a simple phone book. The code is below, but it doesn't work - function ends and then it stucks on declaring struct record x and doesn't want to display my added record - the program breaks down. When I put this part of code on the end of the function (but instead of "struct record x = array[0];" I put "struct record x = (*array)[0]") it works - record is printed. So I guess the problem is something about pointers, but I'm struggling and I really couldn't find out what's wrong. I remember that few weeks ago I created a program which was very similar but it was adding a new record to an array of integers, with fixed values and it was working well, so maybe there's something with structures that I don't know about. Thanks for any help!

I know the program isn't done yet and I know that I didn't make any action for temp_array == NULL, it'll be done after I found out what's going on.

struct record {
    char f_name[SIZE];
    char name[SIZE];
    long int phone;

int add_record(struct record** array, int n)
    struct record* temp_array = malloc((n+1) * sizeof(struct record));
    if (temp_array == NULL)
        return -1;
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < n; i++)
        temp_array[i] = (*array)[i];
    struct record new_record;
    printf("\nAplly data.");
    printf("\nFirst name: "); /*fgets(new_record.f_name, SIZE, stdin);*/ scanf("%s", &new_record.f_name);
    printf("Surname: "); /*fgets(new_record.name, SIZE, stdin);*/ scanf("%s", &new_record.name);
    printf("Phone number: "); scanf("%d", &new_record.phone);
    temp_array[n] = new_record;
    free (*array);
    *array = temp_array;
    //struct record x = (*array)[0];
    //puts(x.f_name); puts(x.name); printf("%d", x.phone);
    return 0;

    struct record* array; int n = 0;
    int choice;
    printf("\n1. Add record\n2. Delete record\n3. Find record\n0. Exit\n\nChoose action: ");
    scanf("%d", &choice);
    switch(choice) {
        case 0: printf("\nKsiazka zostala zamknieta.\n"); return;
        case 1: add_record(&array, n); n++; break;
        case 2: return;
        case 3: return;
        default: printf("Wrong choice.\n\n"); return;
    struct record x = array[0];
    puts(x.f_name); puts(x.name); printf("%d", x.phone);
  • What do you mean by "it stucks on declaring struct record x [...] the program breaks down"? Is this a compile error (post the whole error) or runtime problem (be as descriptive as possible)? Dec 24, 2014 at 1:18
  • struct record* array=NULL;, and use %ld for long int
    Dec 24, 2014 at 1:27
  • There are several things wrong with this program. If temp_array == NULL then you do not want to do free(temp_array) because temp_array was never allocated a valid address. You call add_record... with &array which has type struct record **array (it's a pointer to a pointer). You should just pass array since it's already a pointer. When you call add_record with array, the struct pointer has no valid address assigned to it, and no data assigned to it if it did. So the function of add_record will fail.
    – lurker
    Dec 24, 2014 at 1:29
  • 2
    @lurker it won't hurt anything, but the lack of need to do it in the first place is certainly true. free() ing NULL is a defined no-op behavior.
    – WhozCraig
    Dec 24, 2014 at 1:32
  • 1
    @BLUEPIXY Thanks, but could You describe me why is that? Isn't free() setting pointer to NULL actually?
    – zuroslav
    Dec 24, 2014 at 10:25

1 Answer 1


struct record* array=NULL;, and use %ld for long int – BLUEPIXY

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