I want to retrieve a hyperlink to a cell in Excel and then paste this hyperlink in a third party app. Clicking the hyperlink should load Excel with the appropriate workbook and that cell should be selected with the cursor.

The hyperlink should work in Microsoft-related products like OneNote; for example, if I have a workbook "D:\abc.xls" and I want to jump to cell C12, I would make an hyperlink like "D:\abc.xls#C12".

And this would work; however, if I paste this in a non-Microsoft applicaltion it just opens up Excel and the workbook, but the cell isn't highlighted. How can I get this to work?

  • As far as I know, no. OneNote does a lot of "funny" stuff. I am user of OneNote 2003 and 2007, and an Office developer since pre Office '95. To this day, OneNote still surprises me on some of the stuff it does. I believe OneNote is using "send-keys" to navigate to the specific cell. Excel maintains the "last-current-position" that it restores when opening a Workbook.
    – AMissico
    May 4, 2010 at 10:08
  • There may be VBA macros that provide this functionality because it is a common request.
    – AMissico
    May 4, 2010 at 10:10
  • @AMissico:I tried the same in "Word" too and it works there too! Regarding the macros I have done some googling around but haven't found similar functionality.
    – Kevin Boyd
    May 4, 2010 at 10:13
  • @Kevin Boyd: When I first noticed OneNote doing this, I used all my "tricks" to figure out how. I gave up after an hour because I had other stuff to do.
    – AMissico
    May 4, 2010 at 10:25
  • The HYPERLINK worksheet function does exactly what you want. Maybe a VBA macros take advantage of this.
    – AMissico
    May 4, 2010 at 10:45

2 Answers 2


RE comment

That's what i was suggesting, for example save the following as a .reg and import it


@="URL:Excel Opener"
"URL Protocol"=""


This makes an XLOPEN:// URL protocol handler thatr when invoked will run XLOPEN.VBS.

Save the following as C:\TEMP\XLOPEN.VBS

rem //get an argument like "XLOPEN://C:\null\text.xlsx/#F55" note extra /
dim arg:  arg = WScript.Arguments.item(0)
dim arr:  arr = (split(ucase(arg), "#"))
rem unmangle the url
dim filename: filename = replace(arr(0), "XLOPEN://", "")
if (right(filename, 1) = "/") then filename = mid(filename, 1, len(filename)-1)
dim xl:   set xl = createobject("excel.application")
xl.Workbooks.Open filename 
xl.visible = true

Now if you run


or use

<a href="xlopen://c:\null\test.xlsx#Q50">bla bla</a>

Windows will lookup xlopen:// and pass the string xlopen://c:\null\test.xlsx/#Q50 to XLOPEN.VBS which extracts the file path c:\null\test.xlsx1 and opens it, then selects the range after the #.

This works if called in browsers/from the shell/via the windows API, no idea if it will work in the 3rd party app. (You would replace the script with a helper exe)

  • Before your post, I tried doing some tests, like I opened internet explorer and pasted the link D:\abc.xls and it opened the file, however if I pasted the link D:\abc.xls#C12 it gives a error message. I thought if it works in word and onenote it should have worked in IE too, I wonder why it's not opening the cell. Thanks for the very elaborate explanation.
    – Kevin Boyd
    May 5, 2010 at 16:53

This must be something automagically done by Office apps as the path: abc.xls#C12 taken as a whole is a potentially valid filename itself - if you try to run it from the shell you'll get a "path not found" error.

If you click that link in onenote and look at the command line the resulting instance of excel was opened with there is only the "-embedding" switch which probably means onenote is parsing out abc.xls, launching excel via its automation features then activating C12.

I think if you want that functionality you would need to do the same thing using a helper app and use paths like "C:\your_XL_loader.exe D:\abc.xls#C12".

(If the 3rd party application honors windows protocol handers its trivial to make your_XL_loader.exe associate its self with something like XXX://abc.xls#C12)

  • the 3rd party app is a Java app and I don't know how to associate the _XL_loader.exe to associate to a hyperlink. Also the #C12 part of the hyperlink will change depending on what cell I want to highlight.
    – Kevin Boyd
    May 4, 2010 at 11:10
  • Its just a few registry settings: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa767914%28VS.85%29.aspx - but it relies on the java app being smart enough to either understand custom url protocol handlers or at least pass them off to the shell.
    – Alex K.
    May 4, 2010 at 11:22
  • I'm sorry, I can't make sense of this, what is _XL_loader.exe? You see I have a java app that will initiate the url request, do you want me to make a helper app that we take this request and then pass it on to excel in a format that excel understands, is that right?
    – Kevin Boyd
    May 5, 2010 at 12:27

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