What is the best thing for my scenario

I have a tables with nearly 20,000,000 records, which basically stores what users have done in the site

  • id -> primary int 11 auto increment
  • user_id -> index int 11 not null
  • create_date -> ( no index yet ) date-time not null
  • it has other columns but seems irrelevant to name them here

I know I must put an index on create_date but do I put a single column index or a double column, which one first on the double index ( given the large number of records)?

by the way the query that I'm now using is like :

select max(id) -- in here I'm selecting actions that users have done, after this date, since date is today
from table t
    t.create_date >= '2014-12-29 00:00:00'
group by t.user_id

1 Answer 1


Could you edit your question with an EXPLAIN PLAN of your SELECT? EXPLAIN Link. Meanwhile, you can try with this:

  • Make partitions using your date field create_date. Partitions
  • Build your index with the most restrictive criteria first. I think that in your case, it will be better create_date + user_id

    CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name ( create_date , user_id );

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