I have the following dataset :

 ID   CODE  
 1     A
 1     B  
 2     A  
 2     A  
 2     B  
 3     A  
 3     B  

I would like to add a third column to this table which gives a sequence no. as given below :

 1     A     1
 1     B     2
 2     A     1
 2     A     1
 2     B     2
 3     A     1
 3     B     2

How can I achieve this instead of coding A as 1 and B as 2 rather by a retain statement ?


1 Answer 1


You should look at by processing and first.. Something like this will work; basically, for each ID initialize seq to zero, and for each new code increment it by one.

data want;
  set have;
  by id code;
  if first.id then seq=0;
  if first.code then seq+1;

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