After I change content by moving elements around, I want to re-apply odd and even styles for them. But in this specific example, it's not working. Unfortunately I can't use CSS for :even and :odd selectors (not supported in IE 8). Please help.


function highlightRows() {
    $('table tr:odd td').addClass('odd');
    $('table tr:even td').addClass('even');

highlightRows(); // Initial styling

$('.up').click(function() {
    var parent = $(this).parents('tr');
    var prev = $(parent).prev();

    highlightRows(); // Re-apply style when element is moved

$('.down').click(function() {
    var parent = $(this).parents('tr');
    var next = $(parent).next();

    highlightRows(); // Re-apply style when element is moved

1 Answer 1


You'll have to remove the old classes to reset, otherwise the elements end up with both classes, the first one taking presedence

function highlightRows() {
    $('table tr td').removeClass('odd even');
    $('table tr:odd td').addClass('odd');
    $('table tr:even td').addClass('even');


  • Stupid is as stupid does, we all do things like that from time to time.
    – adeneo
    Jan 4, 2015 at 22:57

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