Maybe this is easy, but I didn't find a solution for my problem yet.

When I use binding and a user changes for example the text in a textbox, how can I perform some backround checks like:

  • Is this name already in my database
  • Does the name fit to my allowed character set

Without binding this is easy i just call the functions that do the trick.


<TextBox x:Name="textbox_Name" Height="23" Margin="108,37,20,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="{Binding Name,UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus}" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
  • The datacontext is ObjectXYZ.
  • ObjectXYZ has a Name and a Description property.
  • I also have a Database with a ObservableCollection of type "ObjectXYZ" called "list"

Normaly I woud do something like: if(!Database.isExistingObject(textbox_Name.Text) { ObjectXYZ.Name=textbox_Name.Text; }

With binding the name gets directly changed(Two way binding)...how can I check it before its changed?

  • Without binding this is easy i just call the functions that do the trick. With the binding, you can still call the same functions.
    – Bolu
    Jan 9, 2015 at 9:22
  • How can I call these functions? Or better where is point I have to add my functions, so they are called when the text in the textbox changes?
    – Andreas
    Jan 9, 2015 at 9:49

1 Answer 1


You can still call your background checks if you call them right after the user has updated the textbox content.

private string name;

public string Name 
        return name;

        CheckName(value); // Or whatever are you check functions

        name = value;


I hope this helps.

  • I thought of this too. But to do the check i would have to call a function from my database which is not possible at this point of code. To do some character set checks this the right solution.
    – Andreas
    Jan 9, 2015 at 10:12
  • Why can't you call the database function at this point of code?
    – Natan
    Jan 9, 2015 at 10:15
  • I think I messed up some things. I needed this for a new window and I thought I don't need the private member. I just created a public string{get;set;} and passed over the data from my database. I thought that the set; method of the database object is called. And there I can't call a function of the Database. Maybe a bit confusing, but thanks to you because now I know were my fault was.
    – Andreas
    Jan 9, 2015 at 10:37

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