I have below code in a js file which works fine on all desktop browsers but not on the following tablet & phone

  • Samsung S4 (chrome & default browser)
  • iPhone 4S (chrome & safari)

On ipad air/mini (using chrome & safari) it works fine On HTC 1 (using chrome & default) it works fine

Does anyone have any ideas on this? - it seems very much device intermittent which is frustrating

  var clicked = false;
    $('header > div > nav > ul > li').first().find('a').on("click", function (e) {
        if (clicked === false) {
            clicked = true;
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

The code is basically disabling an anchor link click event after the first click (the page reloads when user clicks it - set in href) and gets re-enabled when browser renders page again.

The code has grown to what you see above.. i originally just had e.preventDefault(); in the else block which worked fine on desktop testing until i hit the mobile devices.

  • Have you tried .one()? Curious if you have the same issue with that.
    – gilly3
    Jan 15, 2015 at 18:10
  • What's the point of preventDefault and stopPropagation, return false takes care of both
    – Huangism
    Jan 15, 2015 at 18:57

1 Answer 1


Mobile browsers don't have a click event. You need to use touchstart or touchend.

$(...).on("click touchstart", function (e) {

Should do the trick


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