I got a moving square wich moves around in my window and this works fine. But when I try to use public void clicked from libgdx I can't get it to work. This is how my void looks like:

public void clicked(InputEvent event,float x,float y){
    rect.y = y;
    rect.x = x;

Above this im also adding the movement from the box and this works fine so its not rect.y and rect.x. Why aren't rect.y and rect.x changing to the float x and float y from my void when Clicked?

Libgdx Void:


Why isn't this working?

Thanks for reading/helping!

1 Answer 1


Put this in your game's render method:

if(Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Input.Buttons.LEFT)) {
    rect.x = Gdx.input.getX();
    rect.y = Gdx.input.getY();

rect must be defined within your game's class.

  • Can you explain this solution a bit more? If i put this code in my gamerederer class it ends up with an error cause rect is private.
    – Stefan
    Jan 20, 2015 at 13:21
  • The current mouse location is consistently stored in Gdx.input. Jan 20, 2015 at 13:25
  • Allright when i try this the square ends up dissapearing from the screen? if(Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Input.Buttons.LEFT)) { myWorld.getRect().x = Gdx.input.getX(); myWorld.getRect().y = Gdx.input.getY(); }
    – Stefan
    Jan 20, 2015 at 13:27
  • As for the placement of this condition, it should always be called in the render loop for continuous testing. If you have a render method defined in your GameRenderer class and a rect object there, you can define a new GameRenderer in you game's class and draw indirectly from this object. Jan 20, 2015 at 13:27
  • x and y are the lower left coordinates, you know that right? Jan 20, 2015 at 13:30

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