I have a rails 4 app. I am uploading assets using Carrierwave and it allows me to save resized versions as well as the original. If I upload 'myimage.jpg' it will also save 'xs_myimage.jpg' to AWS S3. The problem is, the xs version name isn't stored anywhere, so I don't know how to serve that image.

This is my image call in the view:

<%=      image_tag (@portfolio.img) %>

Some how I'd like to call the xs_myimage.jp:

<%=      image_tag 'xs_'(@portfolio.img)%> #I know this doesn't work, its just what I've tried

3 Answers 3


Carrierwave will automatically generate an URL helper for every version of the asset you declare. Consider this:

class MyUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  version :xs do
    # ...

You can then use the generated helper:

uploader = MyUploader.new # or get the instance out of your model (@portfolio.img)
  • Great! I had my Uploader set like that I just didn't know how to do @portfolio.img.xs.url Jan 20, 2015 at 16:04

In Carrierwave uploader

version :xs do
  process resize_to_limit: [50, 50]

then in view

<%= image_tag(@portfolio.img.xs.url) %>

Try to use this

  parts = @portfilio.img.split('/')
  img = parts.join('/')

<%= image_tag img %>

But its very bad solution. If "xs" is a smaller(bigger) size of image why you doesn't use carrierwave thumbs?

  • that puts the xs in front of the whole path, like: "xs_https:/region.amazonaws.com/bucketname/my_image.jpg" Jan 20, 2015 at 15:20
  • I am uploading many different sizes, that's why I'm not using capybara. Thank you, though. Jan 20, 2015 at 16:05
  • oh, I am sorry, I mistake capybara with carrierwave :)
    – AlxGol
    Jan 20, 2015 at 16:25

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