In MATLAB we can perform cross-validated LASSO with

[w, FitInfo] = lasso(X, y, 'CV', 3);

and obtain the best weights with


How can we find the coefficient of determination?

2 Answers 2


If I understand well the MATLAB documentation and the coefficient of determination definition, I think the following code should do the job:

 optimal_weights = w(:,FitInfo.IndexMinMSE);
 SStot = var(y)*length(y);
 predicted_values = X*optimal_weights;
 SSres = sum( (y(:)-predicted_values(:)).^2 );
 R2 = 1 - SSres/SStot;

Note SStot could be computed with sum(), but I think using var() is a bit faster.


The above answer, by Yellows is correct, but you have to make sure to include the intercept term ==> Predicted_values = X*2(:,fitInfo.IndexMinMSE) + fitInfo.Intercept(fitInfo.IndexMinMSE)

  • 2
    it can be a comment Sep 14, 2017 at 1:25
  • Okay @AniruddhaDas Sep 27, 2017 at 21:42

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