This is not a homework problem, I am too old to get home works :)

So, ideally I am trying to convert a number in a given base to another given base.

Can someone please share the logic, then probably I can write the code myself. Not able to find anything online surprisingly.


4 Answers 4


The answer depends on whether or not you can use a primitive, such as an int or long for your representation.

If you can, the algorithm is reasonably simple: convert the number in base X to a primitive representation, then convert that representation to base Y.

To convert a number to primitive, use this algorithm:

  • Make a running total res, and set it to zero
  • Go through the string representing the number number in base X left-to-right
  • Convert each "digit" (which may be represented by a letter) to its numeric value
  • Multiply running total by X, then add the numeric value of the digit to it

To convert back, use this algorithm:

  • Make a string builder
  • Remove the value of the last digit by obtaining digit = num % Y
  • Convert the digit value to digit character (it may be a letter)
  • Append the digit character to the string builder
  • Drop the last digit from representation by using num /= Y
  • Continue while num is not zero
  • Reverse the string in the string builder

If your number is too big for a primitive, such as int or long, you need to build a class for holding numbers greater than primitives. I would recommend using BigInteger initially, and then replacing it with your own implementation.

  • Thanks for replying. I did not get it completely. Do you mean first converting the number to decimal ? If no then can I please request an example. If yes then Is there a way to directly convert from one base to other without actually computing the number (which is equivalent to changing it to decimal, if I am not wrong) ?
    – Walt
    Jan 24, 2015 at 10:31
  • 1
    @Walt This is not a conversion to decimal, this is a conversion to internal representation built into Java (i.e. whatever is supported by the hardware, which is pretty much always a binary representation). You can go from one representation to another directly if you build code for dividing string representations of numbers in base X, and addition/multiplication in base Y. This is a lot trickier, though. In some special cases, like base-4 to base-32, you can take shortcuts, but in general it's hard. Jan 24, 2015 at 10:45

You could try this:

String input = /* your input */;
int inputBase = /* your input base */;
int outputBase = /* wished output base */;

int inputInt = Integer.valueOf(input, inputBase);
String output = Integer.toString(inputInt, outputBase);
  • Maybe the person who's downvoted my answer could be kind enough to share the reason for that? Jan 24, 2015 at 10:28

Is the number a scalar or a fraction?

Extra work is required to convert the fraction part.

And it is not easy to cheat, unlike BigInteger.toString(), BigDecimal.toString() does not take a radix.


General algorithm is :

Say you get a number in base x. It means Σ ai xi

  • first compute the number as a long or a BigInteger if too huge simply by iteratively computing above formula : n = a 0 + x * a1 + ...
  • then decompose n to base y : n0 = n, b0 = n0 % y

    then iteratively : ni = ni-1 - bi-1 / y , bi = ni % y

And you get base y representation : Σ bi yi

  • Is there a way to directly convert from one base to other without actually computing the number (which is equivalent to changing it to decimal, if I am not wrong)
    – Walt
    Jan 24, 2015 at 10:29
  • @Walt : it is equivalent to changing it to binary if using int or long type and to decimal if using big decimal. AFAIK, you can only avoid computing the number if the 2 base have exactly same divisors. Example 8 -> 16 : 4 base8 digits exactly correspond to 3 base16 digits. But in the general case, it is simpler to compute the full number. Jan 24, 2015 at 10:35

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