
I'm trying to display a distinct set of values in a form. When I use a number field all works fine. When trying to use a string field, I get this error.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'QRs(...)'
/RAY-QUICK.asp, line 92

<option selected value="0"> - Ft_ProdCode - SQL tekst  </option>
<% ' -----------------------------------------------   START SQL QUERY
Set MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 
MdbFilePath = Server.MapPath("/db/quickd.mdb") 
MyConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & MdbFilePath & ";"

SQL_Query = "SELECT DISTINCT Quick.[Ft_ProdCode] FROM Quick;"

Set RS = MyConn.Execute(SQL_query) 
If Not Rs.EOF Then
    QRs = Rs.GetRows()
        QaantVelden = UBound(QRs):QaantRecords = UBound(QRs, 2)
    AnaantRecords = -1
End If

Set Rs = Nothing
Set myConn = Nothing

DeCEL=0 : do while DeCEL<>Qaantrecords+1
    if QRS(0,deCEL )>0 then
        <option value="<%=QRS(0,deCEL )%>"><%=QRS(0,deCEL )%></option>
        <%  end if
    DeCEL=DeCEL+1 : loop : DeCEL=0


1 Answer 1


Try doing away with the array logic and just loop the rs instead:

Set MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 
MdbFilePath = Server.MapPath("/db/quickd.mdb") 
MyConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & MdbFilePath & ";"

Set RS = MyConn.Execute("SELECT DISTINCT Quick.[Ft_ProdCode] FROM Quick;") 

do while not RS.eof
    response.write("<option value=""" & RS("Ft_ProdCode") & """>" & RS("Ft_ProdCode") & "</option>")

Set Rs = Nothing
Set myConn = Nothing
  • Don't encourage this the ADODB.Recordset object is a blimp as it is, GetRows() and Close() should be the most used methods when working with ADODB.Recordset unless you want to do something 99.89% of people don't.
    – user692942
    Jan 27, 2015 at 13:48
  • It's pointless helping when people just want a "quick fix". Good luck when you actually try this with a SQL Server and million or so records.
    – user692942
    Jan 27, 2015 at 14:22
  • He's outputting a few <option> tags & clearly won’t be looping a million or so records in this instance - both will execute < 1ms. If you want to help him preserve array use feel free to post an answer of your own & stop nitpicking.
    – HeavenCore
    Jan 27, 2015 at 14:27

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