I have the following coldes to replace all .replaceclass classes with something else, and it's working fine.

$('.replaceclass').replaceWith(function() {
    return 'string to be replaced';

But now I have some .replaceclass elements that were not generatede on first load, but may be loaded by ajax later, I also want them to get replaced every time when it's loaded.

I tried:

$('.replaceclass').on('load', function(){
    $('.replaceclass').replaceWith(function() {
        return 'string to be replaced';

But it's not working. How can I achieve the desired result? Thank you very much!

  • 1
    Try to do replacement inside your ajax complete callback?
    – Resolution
    Jan 28, 2015 at 9:10

2 Answers 2


You can use $.ajaxSuccess which attaches a function to be executed whenever an Ajax request completes successfully.

   $('.replaceclass').replaceWith(function() {
      return 'string to be replaced';

This is a global event and gets triggered everytime there is a successful ajax operation. If you don't want a specific ajax call to trigger it, simply add global: false in its options.


What about that?

 }).done(function() {

function replaceClasses(){
  $('.replaceclass').replaceWith(function() {
    return 'string to be replaced';

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