I have just started learning node and express and stumbled across this sample express application - https://github.com/madhums/node-express-mongoose-demo. The server.js file loads a module named config without a relative path -

var config = require('config')

https://github.com/madhums/node-express-mongoose-demo/blob/master/server.js#L15. What I don't understand is how the module is getting loaded. There is no module named config in node_modules. The package.json contains NODE_PATH which points to ./config folder. However, the config folder doesn't contain an index.js file. So how does the config object gets its properties?

1 Answer 1


NODE_PATH points to super-folders that contain Node modules (which may themselves be in folders, or maybe single files).

The modules documentation says:

If the NODE_PATH environment variable is set... then node will search those paths for modules if they are not found elsewhere.

It search those paths for modules; it does not treat those paths as modules.

Therefore, require('config') loads ./config/config.js. The NODE_PATH=./config:... tells Node to look in ./config for modules, and it find successfully finds a file called config.js in that folder, which it loads as a module.

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