I'm trying to create a array of dictionary<String,NSImage>,
so I do this:

class PreferencesController : NSObject{

var generalImage = NSImage(named: "NSAdvanced");
var textEditingImage = NSImage(named: "NSFontPanel");
var GUIImage = NSImage(named: "NSColorPanel");

var preferencesOptionTableList : NSMutableArray = [
    ["name":"Text Editing"],

var preferencesOptionTableImageList : [[String:NSImage]] = [["image":textEditingImage]];

But I got this error:

PreferencesController.Type does not have a member named 

Please help me I still don't know what to do after a hour of search

1 Answer 1


I see two possible problems:

  1. textEditingImage is most likely an optional NSImage?, not NSImage, which will most likely be a problem when you put it into the dictionary. I suspect you will need to unwrap it first.
  2. The var preferencesOptionTableList : NSMutableArray... should be split into declaration and definition and the definition moved to init, possibly like this:

    class PreferencesController: NSObject {
    var textEditingImage:NSImage = NSImage(named: "NSFontPanel")!
    var preferencesOptionTableImageList : [[String:NSImage]]
    override init() {
        preferencesOptionTableImageList = [["image":textEditingImage]]
  • Hi, thanks for reply. I tried this "var preferencesOptionTableImageList = [NSDictionary(object: textEditingImage?, forKey: "image")]; " but still the same error
    – QI HaoYan
    Feb 9, 2015 at 4:22
  • @Ql HaoYan, adding a ? at the end of an optional only unwraps it for chained events. Try var textEditingImage = NSImage(named: "NSFontPanel")! Feb 9, 2015 at 4:25
  • Also, note remove the ; at the end of all your statements and you don't have to specify constant or variable types unless you HAVE to specify them.... Swift is not Obj-C Feb 9, 2015 at 4:27
  • That works, thank you very much. But I'm wondering why when I put "preferencesOptionTableImageList = [["image":textEditingImage]]" out of "init()" I got error "expected declaration"
    – QI HaoYan
    Feb 9, 2015 at 4:29

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