I'm trying to understand how MySQL uses indexes for the join criteria as well as the where criteria. If I do a join such as the following:

SELECT * from Table1
 inner join table2 on Table1.colA = Table2.colB
 where Table2.colC > val1
   and Table2.colC < val2;

How do I index Table1 and Table2 so that it is executing this query efficiently?

Do I need to do multiple single indexes on Table1.colA and Table2.colB and Table2.colC? Or is there another way to do this?

  • You should index JOIN columns and columns used in the WHERE,so yes.
    – Mihai
    Feb 10, 2015 at 22:01
  • Try creating the compound index (colB,colC) on Table2. Then test performance and run EXPLAIN. Then do the same with the index (colC, ColB). Then, show us the results, please.
    – O. Jones
    Feb 10, 2015 at 22:36
  • Unfortunately, I simplified an example on production. The table I'm trying to make more efficient is a 73M row table that is 27GB big, and I don't have permissions to add indexes on the fly. I would need to request our DBA to do this, and I need to prove beforehand that the indexes would help. So experimenting wouldn't be an option unfortunately.
    – Steve
    Feb 10, 2015 at 23:01
  • Here's the deal. This kind of query is often helped by compound covering indexes (look that up). It's important to know the full query and the table layouts to suggest a proper index. But one thing is for sure. You're doing a range scan on Table2.ColC. Can you give more detail?
    – O. Jones
    Feb 10, 2015 at 23:28

1 Answer 1


How do I index Table1 and Table2 so that it is executing this query efficiently?

Set your first column in each table as PK/AI (Primary Key/Auto-increment).

Then, when you need to join them together you can name the second column in tableB.colB linkToA or simple idA. That sounds a bit confusing, so here's a practical example:

You have a table of Students and Teachers.

students table

│id│    name    │teacher_id│
│1 │Billy       │3         │
│2 │Jeffrey     │2         │
│3 │Sally       │3         │
│4 │Frankie     │1         │

teachers table

│id│    name    │age│
│1 │Jan         │34 │
│2 │Alexander   │26 │
│3 │Steve       │23 │
│4 │Joan        │56 │

Now suppose you need to find students whose teacher is in between 25 and 35 years old.

SELECT s.name AS student_name, t.name AS teacher_name
FROM students s
INNER JOIN teachers t ON s.teacher_id = t.id
WHERE t.age > 25 AND t.age < 35;

Result set

│Jeffrey     │Alexander   │
│Frankie     │Jan         │
  • The query in the question calls for a range scan on colC. Not sure this answer takes that into account.
    – O. Jones
    Feb 10, 2015 at 22:38
  • Thanks @rick6, but I was asking about indexing on tables where there is a join as well as where clause. What would the indexes that I would use to help with your example, especially on the t.age column?
    – Steve
    Feb 10, 2015 at 23:01
  • @Steve No problem; I thought I addressed that by asking you to set the id on both tables as PK/AI? Primary Key is another word for "index".
    – rick6
    Feb 10, 2015 at 23:07
  • Range scans benefit from indexes. You didn't suggest one on the column being range scanned.
    – O. Jones
    Feb 10, 2015 at 23:30

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