Here is my code:

printf("The current number is %d. Player 2, enter a factor.\n", number);
scanf("%d", &factor);
while (number % factor != 0) {
 //check if factor or not, but use "while" so it doesn't go all the way back to the start of loop
        printf("Invalid factor. %d does not evenly divide %d. Enter a valid factor.\n", factor, number);
        printf("The current number is %d. Player 2, enter a factor.\n", number);
        scanf("%d", factor);
while (factor == 1){
    printf("Invalid factor. Numbers less than 2 are not allowed.\n");
    printf("The current number is %d. Player 2, enter a factor.\n", number);
    scanf("%d", factor);
number = (number / factor); // same dealio as before

x += 1; // if the game doesn't end, it's player 1's turn

When I input an invalid factor for Player 2, and then input a valid one, the program stops responding. Can someone please explain why?

For example, if the initial number is 20, Player 1 inputs 6, and is given the proper error and the loop repeats until they give a valid factor, like 5. The program then progresses to Player 2. The current number is now 4, but Player 2 inputs 6, and is directed into a loop until they choose either 2 or 4. Upon choosing a valid factor, however, the program stops responding. I don't know why.

The variables are all declared, they're just cropped out because the post can't be mostly code.

  • Unrelated to your problem, but you have a potential divide by 0 issue --- consider what happens in the first while loop if the player enters 0.
    – Tim Čas
    Feb 12, 2015 at 23:55
  • That's just a matter of changing the second while to (factor < 2). Doesn't solve the overarching problem.
    – reid f
    Feb 12, 2015 at 23:58
  • 2
    The second argument to scanf() (in both instances) should be &factor, not factor. Feb 13, 2015 at 0:02
  • AHH! That's it! It was so simple..... Thanks!
    – reid f
    Feb 13, 2015 at 0:04
  • Adding the -Wformat warning flag will catch this error for you (on GCC and Clang). Feb 13, 2015 at 0:13


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