I am using Eclipse as IDE. When I right click on the project, then click "Maven Update", my Java version changes to 1.5. Here is what I did so far:

  1. I changed "Java build path" to "workspace default jre 1.8.0_25"
  2. Then changed "java compiler" to 1.8
  3. Then changed "project facets">java>1.8
  4. Lastly Changed pom.xml java version to 1.8

How can I keep it to 1.8 version?


1 Answer 1


There's a typo in the groupId of the maven-compiler-plugin in your pom.xml file: it should be org.apache.maven.plugins.


Note that the groupId actually defaults to org.apache.maven.plugins so you could also omit it.

By default, the JRE used by m2e is 1.5, see this question : Eclipse JRE System Library [J2SE-1.5]

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