If i want to add animation on each item of ListView with some delay, i use LayoutAnimationControllerand specify the delay. But the order of animation here can be only NORMAL,REVERSE or RANDOM.

I am working on an animation where suppose the rows of ListView are 1,2,3,4,5. Then when i touch on row 3, the animation should go from row3->row2-> row1. In the docs, its mentioned that we should override

protected int getTransformedIndex (LayoutAnimationController.AnimationParameters params)

for custom ordering but i am not getting what value to return from this function and how to compute the custom ordering in this case?

Is there any other way this animation can be acheived?

1 Answer 1


Custom ordering can be done like this.

public class CustomAnimController extends LayoutAnimationController {

    private float mDelay;
    int mMiddlePosition;
    private View mView;
    private Context mContext;

    public CustomAnimController(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public CustomAnimController(Animation animation) {

    public CustomAnimController(Context context,Animation animation, float delay) {
        super(animation, delay);

    protected long getDelayForView (View view){

        ViewGroup.LayoutParams params=view.getLayoutParams();
        LayoutAnimationController.AnimationParameters animationParameters=params.layoutAnimationParameters;

        int index=getTransformedIndex(animationParameters);

        return (long)(index*mDelay*200);

       //return 0;


    protected int getTransformedIndex (LayoutAnimationController.AnimationParameters params){

        int index=params.index;


            return 0;

        for(int i=1;i<20;i++){

            if(index==mMiddlePosition-i || index==mMiddlePosition+i){
                return i;


        return 0;



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