Hello I'm new to angularJS and have been trying to prevent access to certain states based on user critera.

This, from ui-router's FAQ describes exactly what I want to do, but I cant get it to work properly. What do I need to but in the data object exactly to accomplish this?

(I saw someone throwing in "true" on some blog post tutorial and using it like how I have, but that doesnt seem to work because I get an error that says needAdmin is not defined)

Here is my code:

    function($stateProvider) {
        // Courses state routing
        state('listCourses', {
            url: '/courses',
            templateUrl: 'modules/courses/views/list-courses.client.view.html'
        state('createCourse', {
            url: '/courses/create',
            templateUrl: 'modules/courses/views/create-course.client.view.html',
            data: {
                needAdmin: true
        state('viewCourse', {
            url: '/courses/:courseId',
            templateUrl: 'modules/courses/views/view-course.client.view.html'
        state('editCourse', {
            url: '/courses/:courseId/edit',
            templateUrl: 'modules/courses/views/edit-course.client.view.html',
            data: {
                needAdmin: true


angular.module('courses').run(['$rootScope', '$state', 'Authentication', function($rootScope, $state, Authentication) {
  $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(e, to) {

    var auth = Authentication;

    if (to.data.needAdmin && auth.user.roles[0] !== 'admin') {

  • The UI shouldn't have the links to the pages in the first place, right?
    – cgatian
    Feb 14, 2015 at 17:48
  • @cgatian I don't know... Could you go in to more detail please?
    – spuleri
    Feb 14, 2015 at 17:59

2 Answers 2


The best way I have found to do this uses resolve:

    state('createCourse', {
        url: '/courses/create',
        templateUrl: 'modules/courses/views/create-course.client.view.html',
        resolve: {
           security: ['$q', function($q){
               if(/*user is not admin*/){
                  return $q.reject("Not Authorized");

This will trigger an error, preventing the user from accessing this state if they are not allowed.

If you need to show an error, or send the user to a different state, handle the $stateChangeError event:

$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeError', function(e, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, error){

    if(error === "Not Authorized"){

If you want to check for admin access on all states, you could use a decorator to add the resolve to all states. Something like this:

$stateProvider.decorator('data', function(state, parent){
    var stateData = parent(state);
    var data = stateData.data || {};

    state.resolve = state.resolve || {};
       state.resolve.security = ['$q', function($q){
               if(/*user is not admin*/){
                  return $q.reject("Not Authorized");
    return stateData;

I implemented something like this for my current application. If user is not logged in, we forward the user to a login form. If non-admin user attempts to hit any admin state, we forward to an error page.

  • in resolve: { security: ['$q', function($q){ if(/*user is not admin*/){ return $q.reject("Not Authorized"); } }] } - how can i get $q Sep 16, 2015 at 11:40
  • promises library, used here in order to resolve resolve or reject that promise...more details: docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$q
    – Marko
    Dec 14, 2015 at 19:54
  • 2
    Main problem of that solution is to get user role in config file, or in any file where $stateProvider defined. When I do page refresh I don't have user role yet.
    – WebBrother
    Jan 25, 2016 at 6:45
  • How can I access a service to check if object exists on that service before allowing access? Apr 5, 2016 at 8:04
  • 1
    @user3591367 Are you sure about var data = stateData.data || {};? Shouldn't be var data = stateData || {};? In my tests, parent(state) returns the 'data' value from state.
    – robsonrosa
    Sep 8, 2016 at 19:38

If a state has no data, then to.data is undefined. Try this:

if (to.data && to.data.needAdmin && auth.user.roles[0] !== 'admin') {

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