I have a for loop that pulls data from a spreadsheet on a website and writes the data to a text file. It is common that the spread sheet is not updated and therefore blank. When the spreadsheet is blank my loop fails. How would I skip the loop in the event that it fails?

for row in aatable.findAll('tr')[1:]:
     items = row.text.replace(u"kn","") # remove kn so items line up when unpacking
     time, ais_source, speed_km, lat, lon, course = items.split()[1:7]
     data = items.split()[1:7]
     text_file.write(str(data)+ ",Adams Challenge"+'\n')
  • can you give an example of what row.text contains exactly normally and when it is 'blank'? Do you mean it would be an empty string?
    – Stuart
    Feb 19, 2015 at 21:56

1 Answer 1


Assign aatable.findAll('tr') to a variable data and check if data to catch an empty list:

data = aatable.findAll('tr')
if data: # will be False for []
    for row in data[1:]:
         items = row.text.replace(u"kn","") # remove kn so items line up when unpacking
         time, ais_source, speed_km, lat, lon, course = items.split()[1:7]
         data = items.split()[1:7]
         text_file.write(str(data)+ ",Adams Challenge"+'\n')

Or use a try/except to catch the ValueError:

    for row in aatable.findAll('tr')[1:]:
         items = row.text.replace(u"kn","") # remove kn so items line up when unpacking
         time, ais_source, speed_km, lat, lon, course = items.split()[1:7]
         data = items.split()[1:7]
         text_file.write(str(data)+ ",Adams Challenge"+'\n')
except ValueError:
  • I still get an error ValueError: need more than 4 values to unpack on the line time, ais_source, etc..
    – risail
    Feb 19, 2015 at 21:43
  • @Dan, that has nothing to do with getting an empty list, that is because there are not 6 elements in items.split()[1:7], have you tried printing items.split()? Feb 19, 2015 at 21:45
  • so did I phrase the question wrong? I still want to skip the loop when the elements are empty
    – risail
    Feb 19, 2015 at 21:46
  • I would like it to proceed if there is not data and if there is I want it to write it to the text file.This worked up until I noticed that a spreadsheet was blank.
    – risail
    Feb 19, 2015 at 21:52
  • 1
    @Dan, my mistake, I just realised you are slicing so we need to catch a ValueError in the try/except. I edited Feb 19, 2015 at 21:53

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