Guys, I have a midterm examination tomorrow, and I was looking over the sample paper, and I'm not sure about this question. Any help would be appreciated.

Let v be a vector<Thingie*>, so that each element v[i] contains a pointer to a Thingie. If p is a vector<Thingie*>::iterator, answer the following questions:

  1. what type is p?
  2. what type is *p?
  3. what code provides the address of the actual Thingie?
  4. what code provides the actual Thingie?
  • Which actual thingie? The one pointed to by the iterator or the one located at v[i] ? May 19, 2010 at 0:42

2 Answers 2


what type is p?

p is of type vector<Thingie*>::iterator, whatever type that happens to be.

what type is *p?

*p is a Thingie*&; that is, it is a reference to the element in the vector at which the iterator points.

what code provides the address of the actual Thingie?

*p, since the elements of the vector are pointers to the Thingies, and *p gives a reference to the element in the vector.

what code provides the actual Thingie?

**p; that is, you dereference the pointer obtained by *p to obtain the referent of the pointer.


p is vector::iterator

*p is a pointer to a Thingie



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